Popoz is a comedy series on Comedy Central created by Martijns Smits and Erwin van den Eshof. It’s about two dirty cops and an intern who wish their job would be more like a “Hollywood action movie”. Since their actual job is boring as hell, things get out of hand pretty fast.
In 2012 Martijn and Erwin shot 3 pilot episodes for which Lukkien (actually just me, myself and I) took care of the post-production (VFX, leader & grading) which you can see here. The pilot was picked up by Comedy Central in 2013 and premiered on the 3rd of November.
Popoz became the best watched Dutch show on Comedy Central in 3 years and was picked up for a second season which aired on the 3rd of november 2014. A motion picture hit the theaters in the fall of 2015.
Season 1 had 251 visual effect shots, season 2 had 245 and the movie 422. You can see a selection of the seasons below with before and after stills with a slider. For the movie check here.
You can watch the full episodes and all the making of videos on Comedy Central.